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Form 5768 El Cajon California: What You Should Know

Step 10 Recovery Time Statistics Courses of Action The steps above do not exhaust the possible ways in which a person can recover from AA. Other options such as: Step 11 — Step 11 is the Step 11 Toolkit for Alcoholics Anonymous.  Step 11— the steps in the Step 11 Toolkit are designed for individuals who have not yet found a sponsor who has accepted them to live sober. For the remaining steps of the Step 11 Toolkit, the facilitator will ask them to choose what they would like to work on that requires an additional step. They will choose the Step 11 Toolkit, fill out a questionnaire, and then work on the steps with a sponsor over the next few months (until the Step 12/Step 13 Step 12). Step 12 — Step 12 is a practical step-by-step guide to recovery for AA. In an average 24-hour commitment to Step 12, the person will work on: (1) A list of 12 specific behaviors that are harmful or dangerous to their sobriety; (2) 12 specific skills they will have in order to successfully recover from these behaviors; (3) 12 specific skills they will have in order to effectively manage their personal affairs; and (4) 24 hours of daily commitments to step-by-step goals. Each of these steps is to be worked on independently, as it requires a large amount of time and energy. When completed, the person has completed a full 24-hour commitment, and has the skills to start taking the steps necessary to move in the direction of recovery. Step 13— The AA Steps for Women and Children. One of the more unique programs offered by AA, Steps for Women and Children (SFC) is designed to facilitate the recovery of the most vulnerable alcoholic women, as they seek a new family or spouse. The women have the opportunity, in addition to recovery, to work on social, vocational and spiritual responsibilities in addition to their recovery.  Awards for Recovery The AA Program Award is the AA's highest award for volunteer work. It helps raise funds for the maintenance of the program, as well as for research on alcoholism, alcoholism treatment, and alcoholism prevention for the purpose of education. The award winners receive a special medal from the President and Council that identifies them as one of the best AA's volunteer efforts. Additional Resources Online Resources: SanDiegoACouncil.org — This information can be accessed at anytime from this link.

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