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Form 5768 Everett Washington: What You Should Know

Paul Winkle and the first patients were referred to him in 1978. Since then, the Gender Clinic has been fully staffed by Dr. Paul Winkle and staffed entirely by male physicians. No female physicians have ever worked at the clinic. The Gender Clinic does not offer sex reassignment surgery, and all care is provided by Dr. Winkle, a qualified male physician. No one from the Clinic staff has had any experience with transgender patients before they began working at the clinic. ▷ Patient Education ▷ Sex and Gender ▷ Surgery is not discussed. ▷ All Gender Identity Clinic patients must be referred by their physicians and have the choice of a physician who works at the clinic. ▷ No referral is ever required on referral from other clinics. ▷ Gender-Affirming surgery is not discussed. ▷ All Gender Identity Clinic patients must receive follow-up appointments on their appointment date. This does not occur if the patient is seen on the calendar on the first or second day of the appointment. ▷ The Clinic is a private, not-for-profit clinic. All patients must pay for their visit. ▷ No referral or insurance is required, although an annual membership fee is sometimes charged. ▷ The Clinic does not cover any drugs, devices and procedures. ▷ All patients are referred to and seen by a doctor trained in this treatment; all physicians who have expertise in this treatment are either board certified in Gender Dysphoria or board certified in transgender medicine or both. ▷ After completing a detailed pre-treatment assessment, a patient will be assessed by a certified clinical psychologist. The psychologist reviews and determines the treatment plan and clinical care for the patient with the most potential for success. ▷ The Clinic uses this assessment to determine whether a patient needs additional counseling for their gender issues. ▷ The Clinic staff uses medical references, both male and female, to help in the evaluation process. These references are evaluated in order of level of credibility. ▷ The Clinic strives to meet the needs of any transgender person who needs our program. The Clinic strives to provide gender therapy in their office, in private counseling on their appointment date, or at an out-patient appointment. ▷ The clinic staff is trained in and uses a variety of gender affirming, transgender, social, and cultural support groups, community organizations, and educational resources.

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