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Form 5768 for Gilbert Arizona: What You Should Know

Gilbert, based on the findings of the town council, has determined that only people engaged as private collectors, contractors, and builders are entitled to a permit. Gilbert's ordinance requires a special inspection fee, and permits are a part of the permit for private collectors, contractors, and builders. The code does not apply to people engaged as collectors, contractors, and builders engaged in the display of outdoor signs. The town does not have the authority under the zoning ordinance to require permits in such circumstances, but it is the duty of property owners to permit the private collector, contractor, or builder they have retained to post a sign in any location within their property for the purpose of gathering, distributing, advertising, or selling goods, wares, or merchandise. Gilbert defines outdoor sign as a sign, sign board, or other movable enclosure that: ◦ Is on an object visible from the public way; ◦ Is mounted on a fixed object within an object visible from the public way; and (2) is designed and placed to be visible to passersby from a distance of 1,000 feet or greater from such object.  In June 2025 the town adopted a comprehensive code pertaining to outdoor sign displays, including a set of rules concerning the posting of signs. The code includes various requirements for signs, including that they be not less than 6-3/8 feet tall; that they be at least 32 inches square; that the sign text be limited to twenty characters; and that the sign text be not less than one percent shorter than the width of a standard horizontal sign. The rules are to be posted every six months on the front of the most conspicuous location of signs. In July 2025 the Department of Regulatory Agencies issued a notice of violation to Gilbert for failing to comply with the requirements of the Code for Outdoor Sign Displays. The notice of violation states that: “The State Department of Revenue believes that the signs at issue are signs properly posted pursuant to Code of Ordinances 4-12.02. The Department of Regulatory Agencies would like to ask your comment on the issues detailed in this notice. All comments will be accepted until October 27, 2016. The written comment period expires on October 27, 2017.” In response to the notice of violation the town submitted the following information.

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