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Form 5768 for South Bend Indiana: What You Should Know

Frequently Asked Question — IRS Revenue Ruling 2016–14,  What Is the Scope of the Statutory Tax Exclusion for Charities? Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code's (Code) regulations provide tax exclusion protection for certain organizations with exempt purpose (including charities) from personal income taxes for their taxable  activities which are not intended and conducted for the purpose of gaining profit.” ▷ For more information on Form 5768, please see IRS' resources at IRS Form 5768 — Tax Deduction for Non-Profit Activity The Code also provides tax-exempt status to any organization “engaged in the trade or business of conducting, managing, supervising, or promoting the import and export of any property or anything that facilitates trade or business...” (Sec. 513(a)(8) of the Code). ▷ Form 6720 may be used for a 501(c)(3) organization. If you wish to use this form, you may do so after the deadline for filing Form 5768 for a 501(h) organization. You can receive an authorization letter by mail. ▷ Form 6720 can be used if a nonprofit must have two quarters to file each Form 5776, and one quarter is not available in the current filing season. For more details, see IRS's Guidance about when a Form 5776 is due. This is a very useful tool, which gives you a glimpse into the potential tax deductions provided by your organization that a 501(h) organization may take advantage of. It can be very useful when filing a new tax return. If you have not filed a previous return, you should first determine whether you can use the form under Section 4845 of the Code, or to amend or repeal an existing return or return information by filing Form 5768 — Election/Revolution of Election. Note that Form 5777 does not apply if the exemption, as provided in section 501(c)(3), has been revoked. The IRS has been trying to help nonprofits comply with the law by providing them with forms to assist with these transactions.

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