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Pasadena Texas online Form 5768: What You Should Know
Our services include: · Investing in Small Business Loans · Financial Planning Services · Customer Relationship Management Services · Small Business Consulting Citizens Business Bank is a non-profit corporation established in 2025 by Citizens Financial Corporation, a state-chartered bank that is regulated by the State of California. If you wish to file a complaint or have any other questions, please contact our consumer protection bureau: 1.800.621.7800 or visit Elections for the office of Mayor of Pasadena or City Council members may be revoked if the organization, or its officers, directors, employees, or agents: · are convicted of a felony punishable by imprisonment for more than two (2) years; are convicted of a serious misdemeanor, such as a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude; or, have a known disability that renders the person unable to perform the duties of an elected office. ▷ If convicted of a felony, the revocation of the election may apply only to the office of Mayor. The organization may not revoke the election for any office that is held in an at large municipal election. Revocation of the elections for the offices of Vice Mayor, Board of Education, City Council Members, and Commissioners are applicable only to the offices held by them. ▷ Revocation of an election in connection with a conviction for a felony is at the discretion of the City Clerk in the interest of justice; and, will not adversely affect a citizen or business organization's eligibility to be a contributing member. Revocation of the elections for any office held in a by-election will preclude the organization from being a contributing member under an agreement entered into before the election. If this election is revoked, the organization will lose its ability to be a contributing member. ▷ Officers or employees of a contributing member, at least fourteen (14) years of age at the time of the nomination or election, who are convicted of a felony, shall not receive donations to their organization. ▷ Candidates for office should complete and sign and date an application for the office before submitting it to the City Clerk for the filing of the nomination papers or for the filing of a petition for candidacy. ▷ A written or telephonic solicitation (of any kind) of money or anything of value, including a contribution to the election, is prohibited in connection with a ballot or petition for election.
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PDF editor allows you to make adjustments with your Pasadena Texas online Form 5768 from any world-wide-web connected equipment, personalize it in line with your requirements, indication it electronically and distribute in several methods.